About Invest for Impact Nepal

Invest for Impact Nepal (IIN) is a ground-breaking collaboration between Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) and Development Partners (DPs) to unlock and accelerate transformative foreign investments to speed up growth, create jobs, and assist in the development of an equitable and sustainable economy in Nepal. IIN aims to achieve this by enabling Financial Institutions (FIs) and Private Equity and Venture Capital (PEVC) funds to access resources and expertise from DFIs and impact investors for investment into Nepali businesses and develop the emerging investment ecosystem.

IIN has been recognised as an example of one of the most successful collaborations between Development Finance Institutions to improve the investment climate in fragile states by the “DFI Fragility Forum” convened by University of Oxford.

Promoting Sustainable Financing in Nepal

Invest for Impact Nepal assists financial institutions and PEVC funds institute international standards ESMS, while also seeking to build partnership for promoting sustainable financing.
  • What we do?

    IIN seeks to shape and build the markets of tomorrow in Nepal whilst maintaining a line of sight to investments. Through its investment readiness support, IIN will support Financial Institutions and PEVC funds become investment ready and attract foreign investments. IIN’s activities will create concrete results that leads ultimately to increased investment, positive environmental and social impact, and to increased productivity, incomes, and jobs in Nepal.

  • Who We Are

    IIN is a collaborative platform established by British International Investment (BII), the Dutch Entrepreneurial Development Bank (FMO), and the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC) to complement existing efforts to attract DFI investment to support private sector growth. The IIN initiative commenced in February 2021 to research and understand the investment market and ecosystem constraints. Since August 2022, it translated these findings into implementation. This phase of the programme will run until July 2025.

We unlock the possibilities of investing patient, flexible capital to support private sector growth and innovation


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